Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Father Heart of God in Brazil

We had a brilliant time in Brazil and several churches ministering the Father Heart of God with Rich and Lynn Hodge.

In one town, Sapiranga, for the first time the churches came together as one to be ministered as one. The history of this town is of division and mistrust, but the God's timing was perfect for restoration to take place. Along with ministering God's heart for his Children, came the teaching of Grace. We could see many relationships being rebuild and a greater commitment to walk in unity.

Hundreds came for the meetings, and we took time to pray for each one. In all 26 days in Brazil, our bed time was between 2-3 in the morning.

Gathering in Três Coroas

Gathering in Sapiranga

Saturday, September 21, 2013

UofN Workshop in Tijuana, Mexico

The theme verse for the UofN Conference week was "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Loren Cunningham inspired 700+ of us to pursue greater faith in Jesus. We listened. Holy Spirit worked on our hearts. The Bible was central.

"If you try using the Bible to prove a doctrinal principle, you are misusing this book. The purpose of this book is to meet the author!" Said Loren.

I would highly recommend watching some of the video archives from the conference here.

The author of the Prayer of Jabez, Bruce Wilkinson, also challenged us in the first day of the conference. According to the Parable of the Minas in Luke 19, faithfulness is taking the responsibility God has given us and multiplying it! 

Friday, March 15, 2013

DTS in Roodeval

On October 12th, we had the graduation  of our first discipleship school in one of the underprivileged communities of Worcester.

This DTS (Discipleship Training School) was 9 months long - as opposed to the normal 5 months ones, and had its focus on the restoration of God's purposes and plans for the coloreds of South Africa. Part of the strategy to develop this community is through performing arts to celebrate the Colored culture and history. 

The students were lead by a former Hollywood producer from South Africa  and this ministry, called South Roots, has 2 very good musicals - Broken Shackles and The Bride. The first tells the history of the Coloreds, from before their slavery, through Apartheid, social problems and how God has restored those who trust in Him.

After a intense DTS programme and several miracles, they left for Germany and Holland where they did their outreach, performing the musicals in different towns and cities, sharing their personal testimonies of what God had done in their lives. They had spend many weeks doing outreach within South Africa as well.

In the picture below we can see Irena van Venter. She was the pioneer of this ministry and she is being honored for all her hard work and years of standing in the gap for the Coloreds of Roodewal. Today, she works as one of Worcester's social workers.

Teaching in the Kruger

In March I had the privilege to teach about relationships in the Discipleship school in White River, 20km from the Kruger National Park. The base official name is Ten Thousand Homes, but we all call it the Kruger Base.

Here are some of the students: Brett and Wendy (from North Carolina, not in the photo), Mimi (a Korean married to an American Indian), Avelina (American Indian), Rebekah (missionary kid - American), Ailafo (Samoan), Mzwandile (Swati from the region), Ronnie (Swati from the region), Sfise and Gugu (Swatis from the region. He wants to be a pastor among the swatis), Ncobile (Swazi) and a few of the staff: Michael (not in the photo) and his wife Lindsey (the pregnant one), Raines and Marise (Brazilians) and Marcelo and Milena (also Brazilians).